Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spring is here at long last

I am so pleased that spring is here. Its been a long hard winter and we all have had the flu. I still get tired quickly and my depression gets to me.
Jazz turns 15 years old tomorrow. Its so hard to believe.
I have been busy making a costume for my sister. She is the cloud women for a play she is in at uni.

Hubby and I went a way for a couple of days to Hanmer springs. I wanted to sit in the hot pools. It was very nice but we couldn't do much as I was still ill. The B&B we stayed in was great and made up for the lack of energy.

I've deiced that I want to see the world again. Once Jazz finishes school.
I B (Hubby) is happy with the way things are. I can't change that and I shouldn't except him to. So I have to do things on my own.
Sometimes I get really bitchy with him. its only cause he can go out to the shed and work on his projects and be so happy. Of coarse he is soooo focus that we all could die and he wouldn't notice. lol

I want that passion.
We did have a talk about what I want to do but as usual he took it negatively think that I wanted out of the marriage.
I quietly said If that's what you want?
(I make all the decision so its time for him to.)
No we are not splitting up.
Then a week later I find out that my sister and her husband of 22yrs are splitting.

Things I've learnt
" there is nothing worst than a pessimist than one that's right."
No matter how much or what tone you use in yelling for your teenage son to come and help you, in an emergency. They are still going to wonder out and say in a slow low voice "What"

Friday, February 13, 2009

well here we go again isn't life grand.
my 18yr thinks he is a man cause laws says so. lol I love him dearly but drinking tooo much and not just beer doesn't make you an adult. put my foot down and now I'm the bitch. huh I guess thats what being a parent is all about . Husband hates me cause I'm late on my $500 limit credit card. what he doesn't know is that I gave the $2000 I'd saved of my money to the 18yr old so he had a hall to stay in when he goes to uni. which is next weekend.
why Huddy doesn't know about the money is because he didn't get help from family and his dad left when he was younger and he is envois. He has always been that way. I'm tired sooooo tired of it all death thoughts are upond me again. I can't hear the music. feeling are going. at lest tears are there I know once they have gone there will be nothing left of me to give.